Erin Steever, P.E., ENV SP, M.ASCE
​Region 7 Director 

My vision for the next three years as R7 Director is first and foremost to continue to model engaging behaviors with the student chapters, and local Sections and Branches.  Our quarterly newsletter is a wonderful way to promote the successes we’re seeing at the local levels and serves as a best practice and inspiration to our members, no matter their level of service.  Second, to re-engage R7 Governor involvement in Leader Training Committee (LTC) programing and at local events.  Third, and in my opinion, the most challenging vision of all, is to increase our level of engagement with the student chapters when our careers will also have an unprecedented demand on our time and mental capacity.

Vision Statement

Biographical Statement



Jen Bates, P.E., M.ASCE
​Region 7 Governor (IA/SD; Iowa)

While promoting the field of civil engineering has been a priority throughout my career, my passion for promoting the profession to the younger generations, including K-12 outreach, college outreach and younger member outreach has always been at the top of my list. Continued encouragement and knowledge at every step of development is how we grow our profession and our membership, not only in quantity but in quality. 

Vision Statement

Biographical Statement



Shawnna L. Erter, P.E., D.GE, F.ASCE

Region 7 Governor (Eastern Missouri; St. Louis)

I am passionate about creating learning environments, collaborative teams, and licensing standards that prepare our students and engineers for the future of Civil Engineering and protect public health and safety. 

Vision Statement

Biographical Statement



Jennifer C. Jacka-Taylor, P.E., ENV SP, M.ASCE
​Region 7 Governor (Kansas and Western Missouri; Kansas City)

I hope to inspire change by focusing on the grassroots level to increase communication, collaboration, and the exchange of ideas between Sections, Regions, and the Society.  By truly listening and giving a voice to everyone, including the smaller sections and diverse member groups, I hope to work with the other Region 7 Governors to help unify the membership of ASCE and promote growth of both members and activities at the local section and branch level.

Vision Statement

Biographical Statement



Ernie Longoria, P.E., PTOE, M.ASCE
Region 7 Governor (At-Large; Kansas City)

Having traveled around the world, I’ve seen how Civil Engineering affects everyday life - as Civil Engineers anything we do affects so many people for good or harm.  As a Governor of Region 7, I share my experiences how we are all connected, inspire the next generations of engineers to learn as much as they can, work with young professionals to seek out new challenges, chat with seasoned professionals to learn how things were done and how they share their knowledge.  ASCE's career development, technical education, and network potential is unmatched by adjacent organizations.

Vision Statement

Biographical Statement


Marie A. Stamm, P.E., M.ASCE
​Region 7 Governor (NE/WY; Nebraska)

My favorite part of ASCE has always been the people.  As the interim NE/WY Governor for Region 7, I hope to facilitate connections between members of our Region and others – staff, ASCE resources within Region 7, and ASCE members around the Society – for their mutual benefit.  Whether you are looking for technical information, professional training, assistance with Section/Branch challenges, or something else entirely, ASCE is bound to have a resource for you.  Let me help you find it!    

Vision Statement

Biographical Statement



Liz Staten, P.E., M.ASCE
Region 7 Governor (Colorado)

My focus is to improve communication between local membership and Society. This will include bringing lessons learned from the Society and Region 7 to our local Branches, Sections and Student Chapters. I want to help facilitate the local Branches and Sections in developing new leaders in our engineering community and ASCE.

Vision Statement

Biographical Statement



Caleb S. Stock, P.E., M.ASCE
Region 7 Governor (Colorado)

As a Governor I envision my role being a communication pipeline between Branches and Sections to the broader Region 7 and Society as a whole. This will involve open communication with Branches and Sections as well as the Board of Governors to ensure all voices are being heard to benefit Region 7.

Vision Statement

Biographical Statement





Succession Planning Matrix: Region 7

Region 7 New/Potential Governor Onboarding Documents

Are you interested in running for a term as a Governor for Region 7?  Or wondering what you need to do now that you've been elected?  Read more about the expectations in these two documents:  Presentation style summary
Full-length (10 pages) document