As of June 17, 2022




  • To develop ever increasing excellence in their own professional, technical, and interpersonal skills and abilities,
  • To grow ASCE in size, influence, and its ability to positively change communities for everyone, and
  • To develop greater connectivity between the Society and members of Region 5.

VALUES Region 5 leaders serve based on our VALUES. We are committed to our VALUES of Trust, Teamwork, Integrity, Service, Diversity, Inclusion, and equity to all.

VISION Region 5 Vision “Inspire Excellence in Civil Engineering in Region 5.”

MISSION Region 5 mission is to provide resources and support to members of Region 5; to represent our Region members to the Society; to uphold and enhance the integrity and ethics of the Civil Engineering profession; and to instill enthusiasm in our members.

GOALS To accomplish its mission and move toward fulfilling its vision, Region 5 will meet these five goals:

  1. Effectively communicate opportunities, engagements, and concerns between the Society and Region 5’s Sections, Branches, Student Chapters, and Institute Chapters.
    • How to achieve this goal:
      • Website
      • Newsletter
      • Directors Report
      • Visits to Branches and Sections
      • Attending Section Conferences, Section Board Meetings, Student Symposiums, and Institute Seminars
  2. Increase intentional engagement opportunities among current members, younger members, graduates entering the profession, and student members.
    • How to achieve this goal:
      • Direct involvement with the Branch Leadership and Student Leadership to foster sustaining relationships
      • Region Assemblies
      • Developing ASCE Leadership in Region 5
      • Promoting active participation by members in our Sections, Branches, Younger Member Groups, Institute Chapters, and Student Chapters
      • Support and participate in Student Symposiums. 
      • Promote ASCE Webinars 
      • Mentoring workshops
      • Retirement / succession planning
  3. Fully integrate the Puerto Rico Section into Region 5 with representation on the Region BOG, assistance on new officer transitions, and visits to section activities.
    • How to achieve this goal:
      • Continue to have PR Section liaison on R5 BOG until new governor is created by Bylaws change
      • Engage PR Section on awards and grants
      • Conduct visit(s) to PR
      • Provide support to PR Section leadership
      • Encourage participation of PR Section members in Society, Region events
  4. Increase the effectiveness, engagement, and value of Region 5 Board of Governors.
    • How to achieve this goal
      • Through the Advisory Regional Council
      • Engaging with our younger members
      • Participation in ASCE training opportunities
      • Participation in Society level events
  5. Retain and Increase membership within Region 5.
    • How to achieve this goal
      • Support Sections and Branches in their effort to increase membership
        • Grant program
        • Student outreach
        • Support events (e.g. identify speakers)
      • Identify struggling Sections / Branches and report trends
        • Monitor data (e.g. membership) from Sections / Branches