2020 MRLC Region 4 Roundtable Discussion Summary:
- Discussed institutes and where there are significant presence and where other organizations fill the need currently.
- Need to focus on companies to help encourage new employees/young engineers to become involved in ASCE after college
South Carolina
- Maintaining & gaining members
- Community service, social events, tours
- Rotation of location of events around counties
- Lack of leadership on the Section level
- Host at the University to encourage student attendance
- Add student liaison (from student chapter) on Branch board
- Put focus on recruitment on companies (champions) vs. at student chapters
- The Student Chapters struggle with getting new members, struggle with participation, and struggle with a lack of consistent faculty advisors.
- Most of the Student Chapters don’t know who their Practitioner Advisor is.
- Most of the branches / sections don’t have any interaction with the Institutes.
North Carolina
- Discussed struggles of balancing free time with focusing on their career
- To encourage students to become younger members in ASCE, the following was suggested:
- YMs attend student events
- Invite students to participate in section and branch meetings
- Invite students to participate in ASCE conferences
- YMs speak about the value of being a younger member