Welcome to the ASCE Region 2 website!
This is one of many conduits for information and services between the Society and you.
ASCE is working hard to develop opportunities and programs for the membership and this website will try to reflect what is happening at the Society level. The focus of the Region 2 website will be more towards the Region’s activities. The Society website is: www.ASCE.org and is a great source for information on ASCE.
Thank you for visiting our website and if you have comments or questions, please contact any of the Region 2 Governors. We look forward to serving you!
Thank you for being a member of ASCE!
Region 2 Board of Governors
Carol, Greg, Michelle, Joe, John S., John C., and Elizabeth
Do you want to be a Region 2 Corresponding Member?
As the ASCE Region 2 Board of Governors prepare our programs for the coming year, we are putting out a call for volunteers. The Board of Governors are looking for Corresponding Members to help advance communication of Society initiatives and those of our Sections and Branches.
Corresponding Members can serve in a variety of ways, including:
- assisting with the preparing our monthly newsletter;
- maintaining our website, promoting and engaging membership on social media;
- planning Region Assembly events;
- assisting with our award program; and
- serving as a liaison groups such as those for Student members, Younger Members, and MOSAIC.
The ASCE Region 2 Board of Governors meet monthly (virtually) for about an hour and Corresponding Members, while a non-voting member, are invited to attend and actively participate. If you are interested in participating, we ask that you tell us a little about yourself, through the attached document and return to Joseph Platt ([email protected]).
2024 Region 2 Awards!
Please visit our Awards Page to read all about the award winners.