Welcome to Region 5 Photos and Past Events Page
Region of the Year Award
On October 23, 2022, Region 5 was awarded the Region of the Year Award and the Presidential Award. Region 5 was selected by the Region Support Subcommittee of the Member Communities Committee (MCC) to receive the Region of the Year Award and the Presidential Award. Each region was evaluated based on the 2021 Region Health Scorecard sent on September 8, 2022. The scorecard was developed by MCC and used as a metric to track trends over time and to measure the effectiveness of the geographic regions in moving toward fulfilling ASCE's strategic goals. Additionally, the ASCE Region Award Program was developed to encourage Geographic Regions to fulfill their engagement responsibilities as assigned in the ASCE Official Register and ASCE Strategic Plan. Lawren Pratt accepted the award on behalf of Region 5 from ASCE President Dennis Truax at the Board of Direction meeting in Anaheim, CA.
2022 Region 5 Civil Engineering Student of the Year Award – Ki-Ana Moody, S.M.ASCE
Ki-Ana Moody is a civil engineering student who has worked herself through the COVID years as a transfer student from Belize to the pinnacle of student chapter leadership at the ASCE student chapter at Florida International University. She did everything a chapter president must do – and did all of it with a big smile. This year, she successfully achieved chapter goals of improving member involvement and increasing the sponsorships. She did this by bringing in 72 new members and 17 new sponsors. As president, she oversaw and delegated tasks to officers to make sure tasks were done in a timely matter. She organized e-board meetings and worked with all of the directors and officers to plan events, prepared for the long-awaited student conference all the while working with advisors and faculty in the FIU College of Engineering to receive the much-needed funding for the student conference and oversaw their foundation account. More importantly, she led FIU to placing 5th overall in the ASCE Southeast Student Symposium. As the Sponsorship/Fundraising Director the previous year, she created the sponsorship packet entailing chapter achievements and history. She established and maintained relationships between the new and current sponsors and the chapter. Here she also planned the fundraising events and activities needed for conference competitions.
2022 Region 5 Civil Engineer of the Year Award – Dr. Christiane Q. Surbeck, Ph.D, P.E., ENV SP, F.EWRI, M.ASCE
Dr. Cristiane Surbeck is a Professional Engineer, Associate Professor, Chair of the Department of Civil Engineering, and former Associate Dean of Academic and Student Affairs of the School of Engineering at the University of Mississippi (UM). She has worked in academia and consulting, with projects throughout the U.S. and abroad, while also serving on several ASCE-EWRI committees and councils. Her consulting work (1996-2003) included soil and groundwater remediation at hazardous waste sites, environmental due diligence for manufacturing facilities, and stormwater monitoring programs. Her remediation work led to the removal hundreds of thousands of pounds of chemicals from soil and groundwater through the design and operation of numerous remediation systems for corporate and government clients. For her environmental due diligence work, she advised corporate environmental managers after conducting environmental due diligence studies throughout the United States, Brazil, and Mexico. This past work, including 10 years of teaching the subject to undergraduate and graduate students, has led to a contract to publish a textbook on environmental remediation.
2022 Region 5 Young Civil Engineer of the Year Award – Jennifer Sloan Ziegler, Ph.D, P.E., M.ASCE
Dr. Jennifer Sloan Ziegler is a civil engineer and project manager with a wide variety of experience in coastal and water resources engineering. With nearly a decade of experience, she assists with business development efforts and serves as a project manager and engineer for Cypress Environment and Infrastructure, a small woman-owned science, engineering, and planning firm in Ocean Springs, Mississippi. There, she works on a diverse portfolio of projects for public and private clients including coastal structures, water resources, and environmental planning. She was honored as the 2021 ASCE Mississippi Section Young Engineering of the Year and as a National Society of Professional Engineers Emerging Leader. In 2021, the Shepard State Markshwalk Pier, a project led by Sloan Ziegler, was named a 2021 Regional Best Project by Engineering News Record (ENR).
Region 5 Assembly and Breakout at the 2023 Eastern Multi-Region Leadership Conference
The Region 5 Assembly and Region Breakout was held during the 2023 Eastern Multi-Region Leadership Conference (MRLC), which was hosted at the Sheraton-Le Meridien Charlotte in Charlotte, North Carolina on January 20th and 21st. The assembly and breakout was a great opportunity that allowed members to meet the Region 5 Board of Governors, interact with other members from Region 5, discuss the benefits of attending the MRLC, and learn how the Region 5 Board of Governors can assist your Section, Branch, or Institute.
Region 5 Monthly Board Meeting Fun!
Region 5 Takes In The 2020 MRLC in Philadelphia, PA
On January 30, 2020 approximately 34 ASCE members from Region 5 attended the Region 5 Assembly in Philadelphia, PA. The assembly was led by Region 5 Director Peter Moore. The purpose of the assembly was to network with members within our region and to discuss region activities and topics. We were honored to have the following distinguished visitors at our assembly: ASCE President K.N. (Guna) Gunalan; ASCE Executive Director Tom Smith; and ASCE Director of Geographic Services Nancy Berson. Photo courtesy of Sarah Matin.
Region 5 Director Welcomes Puerto Rico to the Region
August 10, 2019 – San Juan, Puerto Rico - Region 5 Director, Peter Moore (right) welcomes newly installed Puerto Rico Section officers (from left) Edwin Vargas – Vice President, Carlos Torralbas – Treasurer, Hector Colon – President, and Yuan Calderon – Secretary.
Region 5 Grant Program Success
In 2017, Region 5 created a mini-grant program to provide funding assistance for projects undertaken by Sections and Branches within the Region. Funding priority was given to FY18 Region 5 initiatives and projects that were new programs for Sections and Branches that had a measurable impact on a desired audience. The Region 5 Grant Program goals have been to support Civil Engineering education and outreach opportunities and Section and Branch leadership development.
- East Central Branch of Central Florida, Florida Section - Dream Big Screening Event
- Tallahassee Branch, Florida Section - Dream Big Screening Event
- Montgomery Branch, Alabama Section – Networking event with Student Chapters and Younger Member leaders.
- Mississippi State University Student Chapter of ASCE in cooperation with the Mississippi Section of ASCE – Dream Big Screening Event
- Georgia Section - Dream Big Screening Event
- Palm Beach, Florida Section - Dream Big Screening Event
- Jackson Branch, Mississippi Section – Civil Engineering Landmark Dedication and Dream Big Screening Event
- Shreveport Branch, Louisiana Section – Civil Engineering outreach program
Region 5 Takes In The 2018 MRLC in Buffalo, NY
On February 10, 2018 approximately 30 ASCE members from Region 5 attended the Region 5 Assembly in Buffalo, NY. The assembly was led by Region 5 Director Peter Moore. The purpose of the assembly was to network with members within our region, discuss region activities and 'hot topics', and to disseminate region information. We were honored to have the following distinguished visitors at our assembly: ASCE President Kristina Swallow; ASCE President-Elect Robin Kemper; ASCE Executive Director Tom Smith; ASCE Staff Nancy Berson, Hannah Clark, and Daryl Morais; and past Region 5 Director Melissa Wheeler.