Welcome to Region 6!
At the Society level, ASCE is advocating for Civil Engineers at the Federal level. We are advocating highway bills, education, & licensure requirements to provide the quality of engineer our world needs.
At the Section & Branch level (local) ASCE is your personal gateway to Civil Engineering in Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico and Mexico.
My name is Sean P. Merrell, PE, PTOE and I am honored to be the Region 6 Director. As such, I am the conduit for information and services between the Society and you. If you have an issue, or need some help with ASCE, I along with your Region 6 Governors, am here to help you.
The ASCE Mexico Section has recently provided an update of their Section and provided a report on the First Builders of the Future Contest. Please check it out to see how things are progressing south of the border.
¡Bienvenidos a la Región 6!
A nivel sociedad, la ASCE defiende a los ingenieros civiles a nivel federal. Nosotros abogamos para que los proyectos de ley carreteros, educativos y de requerimiento de licencias provean la calidad de ingenieros que el mundo necesita.
A nivel sección y ramas (locales), la ASCE es la entrada personal a la ingeniería civil en Texas, Oklahoma, Nuevo México y México.
Mi nombre es Sean P. Merrell, P.E., PTOE y es un honor ser el director de la Región 6. Como tal, soy el canal de información y servicios entre la Sociedad y tú. Si tienes algún inconveniente o necesidad relacionada con la ASCE; yo, junto con los gobernadores de la Región 6, estoy aquí para ayudarte.
Incoming ASCE Global President-Elect Marsha Anderson Bomar, Region 6 Governors Larry Goldberg, Kensey Russell and Tiffany Reed-Villareal, Region 6 Director Sean P. Merrell, ASCE Texas Section President (2024) Kimberly Cornett and ASCE Texas Section Executive Director Jenni Peters.
- 2024 - 2025 Region 6 Grant Program - RECENTLY UPDATED!!