I have the distinct and humbling honor to have been sworn in as your Region 9 Director for a three-year term from October 2020 to October 2023. During this time, I am here to represent you and to lead your Board of Governors; creating a bridge between the Society Board of Direction and all of our respective local entities; Sections, Branches, Younger Member Groups, Student Groups, Life Member Groups and Institutes.
This year, your Region 9 Board will be updating our goals to align with the ASCE Strategic Plan. Fundamentally, our purpose is to help you get the most out of your ASCE membership. We will work to increase membership, enhance communications, update our digital presence, foster the growth and influence of our profession and advocate for sustainable and resilient infrastructure. As we complete these planning efforts, we will update this web page.
To help achieve the Region’s goals, the Region has, in addition to the Director, six Governors - one for each of the Region’s four Sections, and two At-Large Governors. The Governors can be found here.
One of the responsibilities of our Governors is to visit with the Sections, Branches, Younger Member Groups, Student Chapters, Institute Chapters, and Life Member Groups to gain an understanding of their needs and to assist them with their challenges. The Region is happy to help in any way we can. We are your link to the Society's Board of Direction and can bring to the attention of the Society Board any issues that may require action. For your Governors to learn more about your successes, needs, and challenges, please invite a Governor to your next event. You are also welcome to contact me to invite me to an event, to address any question, or to convey an idea you believe will benefit the members in your local organization. The Region 9 Governors and I would like the opportunity to assist you in making your organization and activities a success.
My priorities during this term include, among other goals, enhancing our membership numbers. This is simply because we are all stronger as a team and a voice for civil engineering with more members. This fosters betterments for the profession and all civil engineers. ASCE is the preeminent professional civil engineering organization and works very hard for you to protect our profession, fight threats to licensure, push for investments in infrastructure and address many public policy issues of importance for the public’s health, safety and welfare. Thank you, for being a member of ASCE.
We hold paramount our Code of Ethics, we invest in ourselves through educational offerings, we offer many technical publications and self-learning opportunities through our Institutes, we offer leadership training, leadership opportunities and comradery and friendship amongst our peers. I ask you to join me in making ASCE even better and feel free to contact me for any need.
Kenneth H. Rosenfield, P.E., F.ASCE, Env. SP
[email protected]
Region 9 Director