MRLC for Regions 1, 2, 4 & 5 (WSBIL, ERYMC, WSCL)
The purpose of the Multi Region Leadership Conference is to provide a venue for upcoming leaders to gain knowledge of the Society and their Region, interact with students, younger members, section, branch, and institute leaders, while gaining personal leadership skills and learning the importance of networking. These conferences provide an excellent mix of leadership training and information on ASCE resources, activities, and programs. The MRLC will not only assist you in your leadership role but will provide Professional Development opportunities.
Participation in the Workshop strengthens and expands the programs and activities of Sections and Branches through the interchange of ideas, information and experiences, while it exposes incoming officers to the tools needed to be effective leaders. Concurrently, there will be the Workshop for Student Chapter Leaders and the Eastern Regional Younger Member Council annual meeting. We have worked diligently to ensure the success of the program and look forward to your Section and/or Branch delegate’s participation.
Hilton Memphis, Tennessee
To obtain our group discount price, your delegate must make reservations online with the hotel before Thursday, January 9th, 2025. You may also call the hotel directly to make reservations at 901-762-7406. The sleeping room rate is $174.00 (plus taxes and applicable fees) per night for a single or double occupancy.
Please register and find additional information at:
The registration cost, per attendee, is $300.00. This fee will help to subsidize meals and refreshment breaks scheduled during the Workshop and is not reimbursable. Please register by November 30.
The Society reimburses the official delegate for the cost of transportation, not in excess of coach class airfare, for those traveling more than 100 miles round-trip. Other expenses, including lodging, meals, etc., are included in the per diem rate of $175.00 (maximum of 2 days per diem). Reservations must be made at least two weeks in advance to secure low-cost airfares. The reimbursement form will be distributed at the conference’s adjournment.