Brad Kubiak, P.E., M.ASCE
Region 1 Director, Region 1 Chair
"Thanks to our preceding ASCE leaders, ASCE has continued to be known as a global leader in civil engineering and related technologies. As a Society, we are well positioned to move our profession forward by engineering our tomorrow and reimaging infrastructure. My purposeful change would focus on growing our membership, enhancement of collaboration with our future leaders (students) and integrating sustainability into our practice and Region 1 operations."
Brad Summerville P.E., M. ASCE
Region 1 Governor

Region 1 Governor
Section Assignments: Maine, New Hampshire (Upper Valley Branch) and Vermont Sections
"ASCE has allowed me to use my past experiences with respect to volunteerism to foster a sense of giving back to the community and “paying it forward”. In performing my duties as a Region 1 Governor, I will endeavor to respect differences between individuals and/or entities while encouraging others to to join ASCE which has been one of the foundational cornerstones of my career."
Region 1 Secretary
Section Assignments: Mohawk-Hudson Section (Mid-Hudson Branch)
"I plan to focus on increasing communication and thoughtful partnerships between the NYS Sections & Branches, Region 1 as a whole, and the Society in general. I would like to promote more joint ventures between these groups and our Student Chapters and Younger Member Groups in an effort to facilitate a smooth transition from college life to the professional world while offering constructive networking opportunities between our diverse memberships. Engagement of students and younger members is critical in the growth of our profession and our Society. The critical value of networking and collaboration cannot be understated in our ever growing and world changing vocation both in the public and private realm."
Section Assignments: Syracuse and Ithaca Sections
"As a Region 1 Governor, my vision is to foster deeper engagement across our community, ensuring ASCE continues to be a trusted source of exceptional support and resources for engineers and technicians in the industry. Representing one of the world's leading engineering organizations, I take great pride in empowering and inspiring the next generation of engineers, shaping a stronger future for our profession."
Section Assignments: Metropolitan (Branches: Long Island and Lower Hudson Valley)
“My vision for serving as Region 1 Governor is to provide connectivity through communication, support, identifying resources, bringing enthusiasm and mentoring to the local ASCE professional and student chapter members, to provide thoughtful feedback and ideas to ASCE in support of ASCE’s initiatives, and to promote the wonderful profession of civil engineering, including how we can use our skills and training to address critical issues in today’s world such as climate resiliency and re-use and conservation of resources.”
Section Assignments: Massachusetts (BSCE) (Branch: Western MA), Rhode Island Section and Connecticut (CSCE) (Branch: Fairfield County)
Region 1 Website Co-Editor
Section Assignments: Buffalo and Rochester Sections
History and Heritage Committee
- Chair: Anni Autio, Region 1 Historian
Communication and Engagement Committee
The purpose of the group is to assist with communication and engagement of Region 1 members.
- Chair: Danielle Spicer (BSCES)
Student Member Support Committee
The purpose of the group is to assist with communications and support between the Sections and Branches and their respective liaisons and practitioner advisors. Email Rafiq, Laurel and Tim
- Co-Chairs: Laurel Welch (South Jersey Branch) and Rafiq Chowdhury (LI Branch)
- Timothy D'Agostino