Welcome to Region 1!      

2025 Infographic

Your Board of Governors is excited about the future of our Region. The Purpose of Region 1 is Advancing the Profession by:  

  • Inspiring Members
  • Creating Excitement
  • Promoting Excellence in Civil Engineering
  • Inspiring the Next Generation

Are there exciting programs and events going on in your local Section, Branch, Student Chapter, YM Group, or Institute Chapter?  Please consider submitting an item for the Region 1 News.  This is the place for photos from tours, shout outs to award winners, news of successful programs and events, and all the great things happening around Region 1. 

1. It's easy to submit news items via this online form.

Your Region 1 Board of Governors is always open to hearing about what's important to you.  If you have something you want to share, please feel free to contact us at any time.  We will be happy to address any issues or concerns during our monthly Region 1 Board of Governors calls.  Your Governors are here to help you and make your group successful.  Please let us know how we can help!

Sat March 2024

Region 1 and ASCE is a volunteer organization and works through the efforts and dedication of our many of our volunteers. We hope you will consider giving back to our great profession as we inspire the next generation.  Please consider joining us on our journey.

It is officially cast in stone- The Number 1 Region!!

To see more photos from Region 1 Events,

             click REGION 1 PHOTO GALLERY




Upcoming Region Meetings (see events tab for more info)

March 21-22 - Region 1 Spring Assembly meeting - Burlington, VT

Region 1 Fall Assembly meeting - Tentative, Syracuse, NY

Region 1 Apparel - 

ASCE Region 1 Leadership would like to make you aware of an option to purchase ASCE Region 1 apparel from Lands End.  A white stitched “ASCE Region 1” logo  will appear on the apparel that you purchase.  You will order directly from Lands Ends’ website  https://business.landsend.com/store/asceregion1/
