Workshop for Section, Branch and Institute Leaders


The purpose of the Workshop for Section, Branch and Institute Leaders (WSBIL) is to provide a venue for upcoming leaders to gain knowledge of the Society and their Region, interact with Younger Members and Students, gain personal leadership skills and learn the importance of networking.

  • Target audience is new, incoming, or potential Section and Branch officers.
  • This workshop provides short informative presentations, breakout sessions, and interactive sessions by ASCE staff, Society executive committee members, and other local leaders.  It also provides a venue for collaboration amongst local units, including Younger Member Groups and Student Members, within the same geographic Regions.  The workshop also includes several professional networking sessions, social events and opportunities to meet and hear from your ASCE Society leaders, Regional leaders, and ASCE peers.
  • Become familiar with and gain a basic understanding of how to effectively utilize the resources available to run their Section/Branch. 
  • Learn how to implement successful activities, or best practices, which other local units have engaged in and have proven successful for them.
  • Engage in various networking sessions to meet the Society’s leaders and share their experiences.  
  • Participate in leadership exercises aimed to promote personal leadership within their Section/Branch and in their professional career.



2024 Regions 1,2,4 and 5 Regions 3,6 and 7 Regions 8 and 9

Regions 1,2,4 and 5

Regions 3,6 and 7

Regions 8 and 9

2022 N/A N/A N/A
2021 N/A N/A N/A
2020 Regions 1,2,4 and 5 Regions 3,6 and 7 Regions 8 and 9
2019 Regions 1,2,4,and 5 Regions 3,6, and 7 Regions 8 and 9