Section and Branch Idea Exchange

Wednesday, March 12, 2025 - 01:00 PM

The Leader Training Committee and the Committee on Geographic Units are hosting their next 2025 Section and Branch Idea Exchange on March 12, at 1pm EDT. This is an opportunity for you to share ideas, discuss concerns, seek suggestions, and learn from the experience of other Section and Branch leaders.  Please join us in this 45-minute interactive and informative conversation. Topics may include:

• Recent, successful Section/Branch events and activities (with a focus on unique eWeek activities)

• Recruiting and Onboarding New Members

• Student and Younger Member Engagement

Do any of these issues sound familiar?  Do you have a success story that might help out another Section or Branch?  Have you missed opportunities to meet other Section and Branch leaders at ASCE conferences?  If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then please join us for an opportunity to share ideas with other Sections and Branches.