Very Large Sections and Branches: >2500 members: Texas Section

Large Sections and Branches: 1001 to 2500 members: Houston Branch

Medium Sections and Branches: 501-1000 members: St. Louis Section

Small Sections and Branches: <501 members: Montgomery Branch (AL)



Very Large Sections and Branches: >2500 members: Texas Section

Large Sections and Branches: 1001 to 2500 members: Boston Society of Civil Engineers

Medium Sections and Branches: 501-1000 members: Dallas Branch

Small Sections and Branches: <501 members: Midlands Branch (SC Section)

Small Sections and Branches: <501 members: Rhode Island Section



Very Large Sections and Branches: >2500 members: Florida Section

Large Sections and Branches: 1001 to 2500 members: Kansas City Section

Large Sections and Branches: 1001 to 2500 members: Orange County Branch

Medium Sections and Branches: 501-1000 members: Richmond Branch

Small Sections and Branches: <501 members: Upstate Branch


Very Large Sections and Branches: >2500 members: Texas Section

Large Sections and Branches: 1001 to 2500 members: Oregon Section

Medium Sections and Branches: 501-1000 members: Nashville Branch

Small Sections and Branches: <501 members: Montgomery Branch (AL)


Very Large Sections and Branches: >2500 members: Texas Section

Large Sections and Branches: 1001 to 2500 members: Oregon Section

Medium Sections and Branches: 501-1000 members: Austin Branch

Small Sections and Branches: <501 members: Montgomery Branch (AL)


Very Large Sections and Branches: >2500 members: Houston Branch

Large Sections and Branches: 1001 to 2500 members: Louisiana Section

Medium Sections and Branches: 501-1000 members: Central Ohio Section

Small Sections and Branches: <501 members: Wichita Branch


Very Large Sections and Branches: >2500 members:        Boston Society of CE

Large Sections and Branches: 1001 to 2500 members:     Sacramento Section

Medium Sections and Branches: 501-1000 members:        New Hampshire Section

Small Sections and Branches: <501 members:                 Montgomery Branch (AL) 


Very Large Sections and Branches: >2500 members:        Boston Society of CE

Large Sections and Branches: 1001 to 2500 members:     Orange County Branch

Medium Sections and Branches: 501-1000 members:        Nashville Branch

Small Sections and Branches: <501 members:                  Montgomery Branch (AL) 


Very Large Sections and Branches: >2500 members:        Illinois Section

Large Sections and Branches: 1001 to 2500 members:     Sacramento

Medium Sections and Branches: 501-1000 members:        Richmond Branch

Small Sections and Branches: <501 members:                  Upstate Branch 


Very Large Sections and Branches: >2500 members:        National Capital

Large Sections and Branches: 1001 to 2500 members:     Dallas Branch

Medium Sections and Branches: 501-1000 members:        Richmond Branch

Small Sections and Branches: <501 members:                  Lehigh Valley


Very Large Sections and Branches: >2500 members:        Metropolitan Section

Large Sections and Branches: 1001 to 2500 members:     Dallas Branch/Georgia Section

Medium Sections and Branches: 501-1000 members:       Mohawk Hudson Section

Small Sections and Branches: <501 members:                  Buffalo Section


Very Large Sections and Branches: >2500 members:        Metropolitan Section

Large Sections and Branches: 1001 to 2500 members:     Orange County Branch

Medium Sections and Branches: 501-1000 members:       Richmond Branch

Small Sections and Branches: <501 members:                 Truckee Meadow Branch


Very Large Sections and Branches: >2500 members:        none

Large Sections and Branches: 1001 to 2500 members:     none

Medium Sections and Branches: 501-1000 members:       none

Small Sections and Branches: <501 members:                  none


Very Large Sections and Branches: >2500 members:        Georgia Section

Large Sections and Branches: 1001 to 2500 members:     Dallas Branch

Medium Sections and Branches: 501-1000 members:       Maine Section

Small Sections and Branches: <501 members:                  Vermont Section


Very Large Sections and Branches: >2500 members:        Metropolitan Section

Large Sections and Branches: 1001 to 2500 members:     Mohawk Hudson Section

Medium Sections and Branches: 501-1000 members:       Buffalo Section

Small Sections and Branches: <501 members:                  Wichita Branch


Very Large Sections and Branches: >2500 members:        none

Large Sections and Branches: 1001 to 2500 members:     Mohawk Hudson Section

Medium Sections and Branches: 501-1000 members:       Maine Section

Small Sections and Branches: <501 members:                  Vermont Section


Very Large Sections: >2001 members:        Arizona Section

Large Sections: 1001 to 2000 members:     Louisiana Section

Small Sections: <1000 members:                Maine Section

Large Branches: >250 members:                 Orange County

Small Branches: <251 members:                 none


Very Large Sections: >2001 members:        Metopolitan Section

Large Sections: 1001 to 2000 members:     Indiana Section

Small Sections: <1000 members:                Hawaii Section

Large Branches: >250 members:                 Nashville Branch

Small Branches: <251 members:                 Savannah Branch


Very Large Sections: >2001 members:        San Francisco Section

Large Sections: 1001 to 2000 members:     Oregon Section / Louisiana Section (special citation for Katrina)

Small Sections: <1000 members:                Nebraska Section

Large Branches: >250 members:                 Austin Branch

Small Branches: <251 members:                 Savannah Branch


Very Large Sections: >2001 members:        San Francisco Section

Large Sections: 1001 to 2000 members:     Hawaii Section

Small Sections: <1000 members:                Nebraska Section

Large Branches: >250 members:                 Fort Worth Branch

Small Branches: <251 members:                 Savannah Branch