Welcome to the Leader Training Committee’s Website!


Message from the Chair


Hello, all!

The Leader Training Committee had a jam-packed spring. We reviewed Region, Section, and Branch annual reports and hosted a slew of webinars ranging from idea exchanges to best practice spotlights to informational topics like financial guidelines. We appreciate your participation in and support of these efforts, but even more so, we appreciate your feedback. There are always new topics to explore and some of our best webinars started as suggestions from members outside the committee. 

As we head into summer, remember to wear your sunscreen and to keep LTC in mind. Our programming may slow down a bit, but it’s so we can focus on planning and improving. We’ve kick-started planning for our big fall event: the Presidents and Governors Forum. We will also be meeting in early June to reflect on our past programming, develop new training, and identify new tools and resources for you. With the ideas we generate, we’re hopeful that in the future we can provide more general leadership training, offer more PDHs through our current programs, and expand our collaboration with the Institutes and local Institute Chapters. 

Finally, I’m pleased to announce the re-formation of the Committee on Geographic Units (CGU) under LTC. Chaired by longtime LTC member Melissa Wheeler-Black, CGU will focus on providing direct support to Regions, Sections, Branches, and Institute Chapters. Meanwhile, LTC will sharpen its focus on providing resources and training for leaders within ASCE. We're excited about the opportunities this change will present and will share more information as things develop. 

Jesse Gormley, PE, ENV SP, M.ASCE
Chair of LTC


Leader Training Committee and ASCE Mascot Foxy Berson

Leader Training Committee Group Photo

Our 2024 Multi Region Leadership Conferences were huge successes drawing close to 900 participants in total. 


MRLC Attendees


LTC Infographic

ASCE's Leader Training Committee - April 2023

Leader Training Committee Group Photo