ASCE Legislative Fly-In

Wednesday, March 26, 2025 - 11:00 AM

ASCE’s Legislative Fly-In—held annually in Washington, DC—is an intensive two-day event providing ASCE members an opportunity to meet with their Members of Congress and advance the Society’s collective policy priorities while honing beneficial leadership skills they can bring back to their Sections, Branches, and workplace. The 2025 Legislative Fly-In program includes:

  • The unveiling and sharing of the 2025 Report Card for America's Infrastructure
  • Briefing sessions on key legislation active in Congress and ASCE’s Legislative Priorities
  • Training on lobbying and influencing your elected leaders
  • Networking with your ASCE peers from across the country
  • Organized meetings with your Members of Congress or their staff
  • Tips on continuing relationships with your elected officials once you return home

Washington DC